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Suspension and Expulsion Policy




 Suspension and Expulsion Policy


Introduction: The main purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for dealing with suspensions and expulsion as the need arises.  The aim of the policy is to be effective and transparent in dealing with suspensions and expulsions for students, parents and teachers.


What is Suspension?:  A suspension is a period of fixed duration after which the pupil is entitled to return to school, provided that the school’s criteria are met.


What is Expulsion?:  Expulsion is the permanent removal of a pupil from the school.  This is considered after every effort at rehabilitation has failed and every other sanction has been exhausted.  Expulsion may be used immediately if the seriousness of the offence justifies it or if the misbehaviour is so gross as to deserve it.


Grounds for Suspension:

  • When the discipline system has been exhausted or for a wilful act.
  • A serious incident may warrant an immediate suspension.
  • A student may be suspended pending referral to the Board of Management for breaches of the schools Code of Behaviour.
  • Defiance of a teacher.
  • Foul or abusive language directed at a staff member.
  • Fighting or threatening behaviour.
  • Failure to adhere to safety regulations on the school premises.


This list is not exhaustive.


Procedures for Suspension:


  1. The Decision. The Principal (or Deputy Principal in the absence of the Principal) has the authority to suspend a student for a specified period.
  2. The Notification. Parents/Guardians are informed, prior to suspension, by telephone and then by letter.  They are encouraged to discuss the matter with the Principal/Deputy Principal.  Parents are made aware of their right to appeal the suspension.
  3. The Resolution. Parents/Guardians may be requested to come to the school to discuss the matter.  The student’s return to school is conditional upon agreeing to co-operate with school rules and policies.  Failure of parents/guardians, or students to agree to this may result in the matter being brought before the Board of Management.

A record of the meeting will be kept by Principal/Deputy Principal.

All suspensions will be reported to and noted by the Board of Management and suspension of a pupil for longer than 6 days will be reported to the Educational Welfare Officer.












This is the permanent removal of a pupil from the school as a consequence of actions or behaviour that are of such import as to compromise

  1. a) The safety/welfare of the pupil;
  2. b) The safety/welfare/ability of the teacher to carry out his/her work without threat or disruption;
  3. c) The safety/welfare/entitlement of other pupils to learn in an environment free from threat or disruption.

Expulsion will normally only be considered after other processes have failed or when the action or behaviour is of such seriousness that expulsion is the only option.  A serious incident may warrant expulsion.




  1. Parents/Guardians are informed, in writing, by the Principal that the student is being referred to the Board of Management. Parents/Guardians and the student (if appropriate) will be invited to attend the Board meeting. Parents/Guardians will be informed that the Board may consider further sanctions up to and including expulsion.  A copy of all information to be presented to the Board will be supplied to Parents/Guardians in advance of the meeting. 


  1. The Principal will present the relevant information to the Board of Management. The Parents/Guardians will make a presentation on behalf of their son.  Upon completion of discussion between the members of the Board and the Parents/Guardians, the Parents/Guardians and the Principal will leave the meeting. The Board members will then discuss and make a decision on the matter.  The Chairperson of the Board will convey the decision to the Principal.   



  1. The Principal will inform the Parents/Guardians of the Board decision the following day and the decision will also be given to Parents/Guardians in writing. If the Board forms the intention to expel the student, a notification of intention to expel form will also be sent to the National Education Welfare Board.  After a period of no less than 20 school days, (during which time the Board may apply such sanction considered necessary to ensure good order and discipline are maintained and the safety of students is secured),  the Board will reconvene to consider the outcome of any further discussions that took place over the 20 day period.  At this point, if the Board decides to proceed with the expulsion, the Parents/Guardians and the NEWB will be informed in writing of this decision and reasons for same.  Parents/Guardians will also be informed of their right to appeal the expulsion under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998.

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